Cecotrope |
Rabbits have two bi-products that exit their body via the anus. The above pictures illustrate these two products. The one on the left (courtesy of San Diego HRS) is called a "cecotrope", which is produced through a special part of the digestive tract called the "cecum". The shape of a cecotrope is somewhat of a cluster of grapes. They will appear shiny because of a thin mucous covering and emit a very pungent odour. However, they are not feces. They are nutrient packed droppings that your rabbit will reach down and reingest, as she cannot obtain these nutrient in any other way. This is very beneficial for your rabbit, and it is important that she always be able to injest her cecotropes. If for some reason, perhaps due to a surgical cone, she cannot reach her anus, then it's very important that you make them available to her by bringing them to her mouth. The second picture depicts the other type of bi-product that a rabbit produces... feces. These round, dry balls are pure waste, and will be deposited in her litterbox, and sometimes around her cage (as a scent marking tool). For a more detailed explanation of cecotropes, and information on runny poops please refer to The Mystery of Rabbit Poop by "Friends of Rabbits".